August 7-8, 2020: (National level training - trainer and Chair) Dr. Zainab AlMeraj – Assistant Professor of Information Science Department – hosted and trained a web development for beginners workshop online using Django through Google Cloud. A total of 54 students completed the training. @gdgwtmkuwait.
July 29, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail delivered an online guest lecture to Johns Hopkins University’s School of Public Health’s Masters Course “Digital Health”. His lecture was titled “Using geospatial data for epidemic insights in Kuwait”.
July 22, 2020: At the invitation of the students association Al-Mustaqilla of the College of Life Sciences, Dr. Aseel Abdullah Al-Monaies-a faculty member in the Department of Information Sciences- presented a review lecture for the students titled "Fundamentals of Information and Personal Computers".
July 12, 2020: Dr. Hanady Abdulsalam - Acting Chair of Information Science Department – has been nominated by the Dean of College of life Sciences, Dr Ahmad Allafi to be the college representative at the online exhibition of the study opportunities, organized by new comers club.
July 8, 2020: Dr. Fatima Boujarwah - Faculty of Information Science Department - has delivered an online lecture titled "Challenges in Health data” at the Women in Data Science in Kuwait in partnership with Stanford University.
Jun 5-6, 2020: Dr. Sana BuHamra - Faculty of Information Science Department - and Mrs. Sabah Almadani - Teaching Assistant at Information Science Department - have delivered a workshop titled "E-Learning using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra - A personal experience.", The workshop was organized by The College of Education's Distance Learning Committee.
July 5, 2020: (Interview) Dr. Zainab AlMeraj – Assistant Professor of Information Science Department – gave an awareness interview on Almajlis TV “Kuwait Today“ program on the topics of Digital transformation, Accessibility, Usability and User Experience in software and technology and its importance for people with disabilities and the elderly.
July 2, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail moderated a virtual panel “Telehealth Majlis Kuwait” as part of the MENA Telehealth Webinar series.
Jun 30 – Jul 1, 2020: Mrs. Sabah Almadani - Teaching Assistant at Information Science Department - has delivered 2 online workshops for faculty of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies on how to use MS Teams.
Jun 30 – Jul 1, 2020: Mrs. Laila Buhamad – Applied Systems Specialist at Information Science Department - has delivered 2 online workshops for faculty of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies on how to use MS Teams.
Jun 30 – Jul 1, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail - Faculty of Information Science Department - has delivered 2 online workshops for faculty of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies on how to use MS Teams.
Jun 18-19, 2020: Mrs. Heba Alturki – Teaching Assistant at Information Science Department – has delivered a workshop for students titled "MS Teams for Desktop".
Jun 18, 2020: Dr. Loulwa AlSumait - Faculty of Information Science Department, College of Life Sciences - and Dr. Riham Alshaheen – Faculty of Information Studies Department- College of Social Science – prepared a document stating general guidelines of online teaching (for instructors and students).
Jun 18-19, 2020: Mrs. Heba Alturki – Teaching Assistant at Information Science Department – has delivered a workshop for students titled "MS Teams for Desktop".
Jun 17, 2020: Mrs. Sabah Almadani - Teaching Assistant at Information Science Department - has delivered an online workshop for students titled "MS Teams for App".
Jun 15, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail presented in “KAFO” online meeting for the Science and Technology Community about the role of information sciences and systems during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jun 10-11, 2020: ISC students supervised by Mrs. Heba Alturki – Teaching Assistant at Information Science Department – participate in the Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Contest for GIRLS, which was help online. ISC Department is proud of its students who were the only students representing Kuwait University.
Jun 8, 2020: Dr. Hanady Abdulsalam - Acting Chair of Information Science Department – has been nominated by the Dean of College of life Sciences, Dr Ahmad Allafi as the college representative at the university committee of online learning.
Jun 5, 2020: An interview with Dr. Hanady Abdulsalam - Acting Chair of Information Science Department - by KUNIV_NEWS (an academic account for student services at Kuwait University and those who wish to enroll in Kuwait University) to talk about the Department of Information Science at the College of Life Sciences.
May 27, 2020: The faculty of ISC Department attended the online council meeting using MS Teams and they discussed the department plan for online learning and they approved the formulation of online learning committee.
May 20-22, 2020: (Speaker) Dr. Zainab AlMeraj – Assistant Professor of Information Science Department – was an invited speaker on the topic of accessibility and a mentor to two teams during a 48 hour GCC level hackathon “GCC vs. Virus” to develop technical solutions that help people during the pandemic #gccvsvirus @gccvsvirus.
May 20, 2020: Dr. Alhuwail presents remotely in the Annal Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association.
April 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail along with other colleagues at Kuwait University, Dasman Diabetes Institute, and the Ministry of Health launched the public health community platform, “TrackCOVIDKW”. The aim of the COVID-19 tracker is to collect as much data as possible as quickly as possible from both healthy and infected people in Kuwait. Among other things, this data is intended to provide a more detailed picture of the COVID-19 situation in different parts of our country.
Mar, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail continues to write numerous articles in Alqabas local newspaper related to COVID-19 and the role of information systems and health informatics during this pandemic.
Mar, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail along with other colleagues at Kuwait University and the Ministry of Health launched the public health community platform, “CoronaMaps Kuwait” to keep the public aware of COVID-19 developments in Kuwait as well as make the information available to the public as well as the research community in a machine-readable format using GIS.
Mar, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail volunteered with the Central Agency for Information Technology (CAIT) on the platform “With You -- معاكم” that complements the Ministry for Foreign Affair’s efforts, in coordination with all the concerned authorities, to facilitate a safe and smooth return of all Kuwaiti citizens abroad.
Mar, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail co-developed the clinical modules for “Alsour”, a COVID-19 platform developed for the Ministry of Health by the Advanced Technology Company.
Mar 23, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail participated in the “Corona Insights” online symposium and delivered a lecture highlighting the important role of information systems and health informatics in fighting and understanding the COVID-19 pandemic.
March 22-25, 2020: (National level training and competition - Chair) Dr. Zainab AlMeraj – Assistant Professor of Information Science Department – hosted cyber security training and a national level CTF competition online due to covid19 limitations. 64 people completed the training and 11 players won the national level competition and will join a MENA regional level competition in October 2020. @gdgwtmkuwait.
Feb, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail is part of a University-wide committee charged with e-Learning under the auspice of the Vice President for Supporting Academic Services, Kuwait University.
Feb 15, 2020: Dr. Dari Alhuwail continues to volunteer with the Digital Health Technical Advisory Group at the World Health Organization and has initially led and continues to participate in the “Digital Clearinghouse” platform for digital health solutions useful for COVID-19 and beyond.
Jan 30, 2020: The ISC department has developed an online database website for proctors registration for the Center of Evaluation of Kuwait University. The team consisting of Eng. Eman AlRoumi, Eng. Heba AlTurki, our graduate Batoul Alenzi, Dr Abdullah Almutairi, and Dr. Hanady Abdulsalam.
Dec 29-30, 2019: Two groups of students from the Department of Information Science have participated in the Engineering Design Expo Dec 29-30 at Sheikh Jaber Alahmed Cultural Center.
Dec 11, 2019: ISC Department has developed a website for projects evaluation that has been adopted in the College Capstone Exhibition. The team members are Mr. Anas Abdin, Eng. Eman Alroumi, and Eng. Monya Aleidan.
Dec 11, 2019: ISC Tech Talks (Title: Python and the Magic of Deep Learning – Speaker: Mr.Nasser Al-Ostath, a Technical Consultant with WSI Kuwait, and a Computer Engineer at the Ministry of Information).
Dec 5, 2019: Volunteer Day.
Dec 4, 2019: ISC Tech Talks (Title: Climbing the Ladder of Academia: Fall, Get Back Up and Keep on Moving – Speaker: Dr. Mowafa Househ, a Digital Health Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar).
Nov 27, 2019: ClickIT Club organized Gaming Day.
Nov 25, 2019: ISC Tech Talks (Title: The Essence of Cyber Security – Speaker: Dr. Reem Al-Shammari, Chief Information Security Officer at Kuwait Oil Company).
Nov 20, 2019: Research Ethics Workshop organized by ISC Ethic Review Committee. The purpose of this workshop is to raise awareness about the importance of conducting ethical research, present ethical theories and case studies, and explain the steps required to obtain ethics approval from the ERC. We believe raising awareness about this topic is important, especially as many publication venues are now requiring ethics approvals before reviewing submitted work. This workshop is geared towards faculty and graduate students.
Nov 13, 2019: Coffee Hour to get to know each other, share ideas, and encourage collaboration.
Nov 6, 2019: ISC TechTalks (Title: How to Embark on Research in the Field of Internet of Things (IoT) Speaker: Dr Mounib Khanafer, the American University of Kuwait (AUK)) .
Nov 4, 2019: ClickIT organized a Lecture (Title: How to secure yourself through social media – Speaker: Dr. Basil Alothman, Kuwait Hackers).
Oct 27-31, 2019: Dr. Hanady Abdulsalam - Acting Chair of Information Sciences Department - participated in the joint workshop between Kuwait and the United States entitled “Promising Practices for Improving the Inclusion of Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine: Lessons from Kuwait and the United States. This week in Washington, DC, was sponsored by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences from Kuwait and the National Academies for Science, Engineering, and Medicine from the United States. The workshop aims to develop women's participation in the fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine) in both countries. The attendance included honorable models for women in the fields of STEM. From various scientific sectors, most notably the University of Kuwait, the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and the Research Institute. Dr. Hanady represented the Kuwaiti side of women in the field of computing and technology.
Oct 16, 2019: ClickIT club participate in the Advertisement Day for College of Life Sciences Clubs.
Oct 9, 2019: ClickIT Club participate in KAFO third annual forum.
Oct 9, 2019: ISC Panel Session with distinguished guests from the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS).